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Home for Integral Wisdom

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Educational Renewal Model

Educate to change the world through respect as a social axis, through innovative training, academic excellence, based on strong principles of responsibility, character formation and development of entrepreneurship and leadership

Open Enrollment 2024 – Cal B.



Home la educacion se transforma para adaptarse

Education is transforming to adapt and meet the needs of a new society.

Different innovative methodologies have emerged in the search for new, more motivating methods that also develop 21st century skills. The models we use, from Blended Learning, are Flex Model & Flipped Classroom. We believe that it is possible to renew education through knowledge and empowerment of strengths, creating academic plans for each of our students, which allow us to create a teaching community beyond classrooms by grades, but by areas, levels and competencies.



We prepare our students for the different international exams. From the learning of a language, its grammatical and linguistic bases and the possibility offered by our alternative Bilingualism plan. We guarantee an education with strong theoretical bases and the importance of immersion in English as a second language from cultural environments and the double learning generated by receiving subjects in English.

Mastery of different languages to understand the world.


0% Bullying

Our priority is good coexistence practices for the solution of incidents and conflicts, seeking harmony among human beings.

Restorative practices are a social science that studies how to achieve social discipline through participatory learning and decision making.

The application of restorative practices in the formative and convivial process of our institution, contribute to create a sense of community and improve the behavior of students.

We believe in a world beyond borders

Intercambios activos

Take 12th grade and get North American diploma!

Possibility of dual degree with North American institution Ztudy Global Education.

Logo Ztudy

The method that this school uses to teach

is different from what is proposed by traditional education because it really allows the development of each student’s abilities.

Gabriel Lascarro – 11B

Testimonio Gabriel Lascarro

Study in an educational, rural and personalized forest.

With an education that transcends borders, we dream and create a world of renewal and interculturality that opens perspectives.

contact us

Consultation with an Admissions Executive.

We focus on thematic axes and learning objectives to optimize your passage through the school, under a philosophy of autonomy and excellence.

Let us accompany you in your academic process.

Name *
Email *

CIC in the media

Find out how the main media validate our educational proposal.

Se independizaron, emprendieron y hoy, además, generan empleo.

“Con tan solo 29 años, Daniel Rivero es el representante legal y fundador del grupo educativo Monterrosales, una alternativa de educación disruptiva nacida en 2012, en contravía de la educación tradicional. A partir de una serie de fracasos en la educación tradicional, surgió la inquietud de poder iniciar un proyecto diferente y que se adaptara a las necesidades y realidades de los estudiantes…”

Educación basada en el cuidado y la protección animal en Bogotá.

“El Colegio Monterrosales busca, de manera activa, incentivar la pedagogía de cuidado animal a través del contacto constante con distintas especies. La institución se encuentra ubicado en el kilómetro 4.5, vía Calera, en la finca San José, en un espacio compartido con el Colegio Internacional Campestre…”

Colegio Internacional Campestre forma estudiantes con sentido de protección animal.

“Con el propósito de formar niños y niñas felices, comprometidos con el medio ambiente y el cuidado responsable de los animales, el Colegio Internacional Campestre cuenta con las materias “Profesor hermano” y “Experiencias Monterrosales”, dos espacios que permiten a los estudiantes tener vivencias reales que conducen a la formación en valores…”

Be part of this experience.

Because learning and being happy is possible!

Additional Services

By this means you can request the following services:

  • Sales Forms.
  • Study Certificate.
  • Grades card.
  • Pedagogical Outings.
  • Extracurriculars.
  • Degree Rights.
  • Tutorials and Homologations.
  • Learning Acceleration.
  • Icfes and Pre-Icfes.

Km 4.5 to La Calera, Finca San José
Before the toll.
Bogotá, Cundinamarca.

Attention schedule
Monday to Friday: 7:00am – 5:00pm.
Saturdays: 8:00am – 11:00am.

© 2024 Colegio Internacional Campestre

Developed by estudio14

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